
welcome to the club

I've been very forgetful lately. I must admit, my sharp memory is deteriorating. This must be a sign that I'm not getting any younger (*sigh).

I guess I don't need to worry that much. I am not the only one. When I sent my cousin a text message looking for my keys, he replied, "Welcome to the club!" Hah.

If I've been very forgetful now, what more in the next years to come? Forgive me if the next time we'll meet I could not remember your name. Help! I need some memory enhancers.


  1. Same here!
    On the first day of classes I was so humiliated because of this. (Good thing very few people found out though).

    Imagine, after four years in NORSU, I can't (for the life of me) remember where LS is!I waited for sometime at the CAS building thinking all along that it was LS!

    mag-enervon prime na tayo!

  2. @prinsesang palaka: During the review, I was taking memo plus twice a day, ambot, murag wala may effect. I'm drinking Enervon, Enervon HP. hehehe...

    @Chyng: nakakaaliw pala ako?

    @Photoblogger: Kagaya lang cya ng memo plus, my friend had tried it during our review. I chose memo plus that time, next time, try ko nga siya no!


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